Nowadays, the low-fat diet has become widely popular because it is an important tool that allows us to control the amount of fat consumed each day. It can help with weight loss and reduce the risk of developing various diseases.

As a doctor, I would recommend some of the best low-fat foods that should not be missed for better health.


Here are six low-fat foods that are good for the heart and easy on the stomach:

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Assorted green leafy vegetables, such as kale, lettuce, cabbage, spinach, or morning glory, are excellent low-fat foods. Moreover, they are an important source of vitamins and minerals such as calcium, potassium, vitamin A, and dietary fiber that can help prevent constipation and control body weight.


Whole Grain

Less refined grains, such as wheat, brown rice, oats, or those found in whole wheat bread, are rich in vitamins and minerals compared to regular grains. They do not undergo a polishing process and are not exposed to heat, making them an important source of vitamin E, B vitamins, magnesium, zinc, and dietary fiber. These grains may also help lower blood sugar levels, thereby reducing the risk of developing diabetes.


Chicken breast

Chicken breast is a low-fat food that is an excellent source of protein. A 3-ounce serving of chicken breast contains only 3 grams of fat but provides 26 grams of protein. Moreover, it is an inexpensive and easily available food, making it a popular choice for those who want to control their weight or build muscle.

White Fish

While red fish is known for being high in fat, white fish has long been one of the most popular low-fat foods. Whether it’s catfish, snapper, snakehead fish or freshwater fish that we eat, they are not only low in fat but also an important source of nutrients including protein, vitamin B12, vitamin B2, and phosphorus. Additionally, they are low in calories, with a 3-ounce serving of white fish typically providing only between 70-100 calories.


Sweet Potato

Sweet potatoes, also known as yams, are one of the low-fat foods that should not be missed. A medium-sized sweet potato has only about 1.4 grams of fat, but it is rich in vitamin A and beta-carotene, which help nourish eyesight, act as antioxidants, and reduce the risk of developing various eye diseases such as cataracts. It also contains vitamin C, B vitamins, potassium, and high carbohydrates that provide energy and keep us full for a long time.



Various mushrooms, such as ear mushrooms, shiitake mushrooms, button mushrooms, or portobello mushrooms, are all low-fat foods that are delicious and have high nutritional value. They are also widely used in cooking. While the nutritional values ​​vary depending on the type of mushroom, most mushrooms are a good source of fiber, potassium, B vitamins, and other minerals that provide numerous health benefits.


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Finally, I would like to remind everyone not to forget that while it’s good to eat a low-fat diet, we should still consume enough fat to meet the body’s needs. Fat is still necessary for the body, particularly for providing energy and aiding in the absorption of vitamins A, D, E, and K. If we do not consume any fat at all, it may lead to deficiencies in these vitamins and can have negative effects on our health.