Dental problems are probably the most common medical problems, I don’t think there is a person who hasn’t had a dental problem at least once. Fortunately, however, the vast majority of dental conditions are easy and quick to treat, the modern dental equipment available in medical offices making pain and discomfort minimal.

If you do not want to face medical problems, pay more attention to oral hygiene and have routine check-ups at the dentist, thus preventing the aggravation of some diseases and having the certainty that your teeth are healthy.


The most common dental conditions

1. Dental caries

The most widespread condition and, at the same time, the most frequent problem that causes pain is tooth decay. If not treated in time, it can evolve quickly and affect the structure of the natural tooth, leading to its extraction. Caries must be detected and stopped as soon as possible. After treating the caries, the dentist will restore the architecture of the tooth. The office scanner helps the dentist to discover even the smallest cavities, thus preventing the destruction of the teeth.


 2. Tartar and bacterial plaque

A frequent reason why patients go to the dentist is the deposition of tartar on the surface of the teeth. It favors the appearance of periodontal diseases, caries, tooth decay, tooth mobility, and may even lead to tooth loss. Periodic checks and regular cleanings, at least twice a year, will fix this problem relatively easily.


3. Dental sensitivity

Discomfort is the word that characterizes this condition. We feel it when we eat sweets or drink something hot or very cold or even when we brush our teeth. So, day by day, hypersensitive teeth remind us that we have to see the doctor to find a suitable new solution and to be able to return to a normal eating behavior.


4. Dental abscess

A dental abscess is a painful infection at the root of a tooth or between the gum and a tooth and is the most common cause of severe tooth pain. These problems can cause damage to the tooth enamel, which allows bacteria to infect the pulp of the tooth. The symptoms denoting the presence of a dental abscess are: severe continuous, pulsating or sharp pain, fever, inflammation of the area, pain when masticating, etc.


5. Bad breath

Known as “halena”, bad breath has a major impact on the patient’s quality of life and is also one of the main reasons why he presents himself to the dentist. Bad breath can be caused by tooth decay, prosthetic work, tartar, etc., therefore a specialist consultation and appropriate treatment is needed to eliminate it.


 6. Yellowing of teeth

Discoloration or yellowing of the teeth is a condition in which the teeth begin to stain. The causes are diverse and include excess fluoride, the accumulation of tartar and bacterial plaque, aging, smoking.


In addition to the above, there are also other dental conditions, that’s why it is very important to go to the dentist when the problems appear, any delay can lead to the worsening of the conditions.


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